This site is providing various e-book around (mostly) Theravada. You can contribute to any of the existing books by reporting an issue via GitHub (there are issue report links in the HTML). You are also welcome to become member of the edhamma GitHub organization and create other e-books.
Vimuttimagga | The Arahant Upatissa | info | HTML | ePub | |
Visuddhimagga | Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa | info | HTML | ePub | |
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha (2nd edition) |
Daniel Ingram | info | HTML | ePub | |
Meditation Teacher's Diary (or) Records | Mahasi Sayadaw & al | info | HTML | — | ePub |
The Path to Nibbāna | Ajahn Jodok | info | HTML | ePub | |
Saints & Psychopaths | Bill Hamilton | info | HTML | ePub | |
Contemplative Fitness (unfinished draft) |
Kenneth Folk | info | HTML | ePub | |
Truly Understanding the Teachings of the Buddha | Anthony Markwell | info | HTML | ePub |
The is providing a simple stable redirection service to the HTML format, consuming book (currently one of vism, vimm and mctb2) and ref parameters, so e.g. will redirect to Visuddhimagga, I.40. This might be useful to insert stable hyperlinks into other texts.