Announcement of Passing Away

Announcement of Passing Away#

It is with great sorrow that

  • Wat Mahadhatu

  • Mahachulalongkorn University

  • the Thai Buddhist Sangha

  • the Buddhist Sanghas throughout

  • the world

  • and all good sentient beings in all the varied planes of existence

announce the passing away of His Holiness Phra Dhamma Theerarach Mahamuni on 30 June 2531 in the late afternoon.

In the current history of Thailand there has been no one to compare to the heroic effort, experience, and knowledge of the Tipitaka combined in His Holiness Phra Dhamma Theerarach Mahamuni and his success in bringing Vipassana back as the central concern of Thai Buddhists where it belongs. The loss of such a hero and great lover of the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha is one that is mourned deeply by all. May all the good disciples of His Holiness Phra Dhamma Theerarach Mahamuni be quick to remember his fine lessons, practise them well, and pass them on to all those who have groped in the darkness of ignorance, so that others may realize the path of disciplined study and diligent practice that His Holiness Phra Dhamma Theerarach Mahamuni taught, in accordance with the Buddha’s Teachings, for the benefit of all.

James P.S. Ross