Checklist for Saints and Psychopaths

6. Checklist for Saints and Psychopaths#

6.1. Psychopaths#

When confronted with wrong-doing, psychopaths will typically respond in this sequence:

  1. Ignore the issue

  2. Deny that they have done something wrong

  3. Attack the accuser, usually accusing the accuser of being the one who has done wrong

  4. Threaten to harm the accuser, someone else, something, or self

  5. Apologize and admit that they have done wrong, and ask for a clean slate or new start

Psychopaths will resist completing this five step sequence of responses, and will complete it only if confrontation persists.

6.2. Saints#

When confronted with wrong-doing, saints will typically respond in this sequence:

  1. Acknowledge errors and misunderstandings

  2. Admit that they have made an error

  3. Apologize

  4. Offer compensation or correction

  5. Avoid that type of error or misunderstanding in the future

Saints are inclined to complete this five step sequence without continued confrontation.

Allow for personality characteristics and cultural factors when evaluating responses to wrong-doing.



SAY MEAN DO consistency

SAY MEAN DO disparity

Adhere to own moral standards

Breaks own rules

Pay debts

Many bad debts, writes bad checks

Keep promises

Break promises

Truth is highest standard

No true regard for truth

Insists dose associates tell the truth

Tell close associates to lie

Un-aggressive philosophy

Push philosophy aggressively

Attractive but not drawing

Attractive and drawing

Waits for you to seek help

Comes on with unsolicited advice

Good reputation endures & improves

Good reputation fades in time

Projects & organization grow & improve

Projects & organization degenerate

In the long run things turn out well

In the long run things turn out badly

People have long term benefit from association

People are damaged by long term association

Have concern for effect of actions on self and others

Are unconcerned for effect of actions on self and others

Will immediately apologize for errors

Apologize as last resort

Look for their own mistakes & will apologize

Ignore their own mistakes and apologizes only if cornered

If trapped will not renounce principles

If trapped will do or say anything to escape

Typically have good health

Typically have variable exotic health problems

Typically have few accidents & injuries

Typically have many accidents and injuries

Felt loved when a child

Felt unloved when a child

Can sit very still

Can sit still only when center of attention

Encourage associates to be self reliant

Enslave people around them

Refrains from using mind-dulling substances

Substance abuse common

Are comfortable being in the background

Compulsion to become the center of attention

May adopt a spiritual name one time

Adopt many aliases

Any one psychopath or saint is unlikely to have all of the characteristics listed. Just because someone has some of these characteristics does not mean he or she is a psychopath or saint.