1. Covers#
1.1. Front#

If you have a true saint for a teacher, then you have a real possibility for spiritual attainments, including enlightenment. If your teacher is a psychopath, then you may become a programmed puppet, and you risk being sexually or financially abused. You also may lose your job, family and possibly even your sanity. Eventually you risk disillusionment from pursuing any spiritual quests.
Printed and bound in the United States of America. First edition All rights reserved.
Reviewers, may quote passages in a review without permission in writing from the publisher.
Although the author and publisher have researched all sources to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information contained in this book, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or any other inconsistency herein. Any slights against people or organizations are unintentional. Readers should use their own judgment or consult a mental health professional when making specific evaluations of individuals.
Cover design: Brian Moucka, Poppy Graphics, Santa Barbara California.
ISBN: 0-9644904-0-4
Organizations, Schools of Spiritual Development, and Meditation Centers: Quantity discounts are offered for bulk purchases of this book for fund raising and educational purposes. Excerpts or special books can be created for special needs. For information contact Dharma Audio Network Associates, P.O. Box 1527, Coupeville WA 98239 or phone 800 726-2421
Dedicated to Binky who’s support in many ways has made my work possible.
To Vivain Darst, John and Ann Rush, Mel Schneider, and Markell Brooks who provided me with food and shelter while I was writing this book and participated in proofreading it. Also helping in making corrections: Al Reed, Janice Gale, Ken Folk, Katy Belt, Michael Freeman, Gretel Shanley, Tamara Comstock and Bill Andreas. Special thanks to Carmen and Harold Carlson who provided help in making the first printing possible.
Excerpts in this book from the Dhammapada by William L. Hamilton.
Other Books by William L. Hamilton:
Synergetic Tool Primer
Dhammapada (translation)
1.2. Back cover#
There are more psychopaths pretending to be saints than there are real saints. This book will provide you with some understanding of what a psychopath is, what a saint is and how to tell the difference. It is also a sharing of what Mr. Hamilton found in his own search for inner peace and ways to develop his unrealized potential. He provides a candid view of his experiences with a psychopathic teacher and a psychopathic wife which richly illustrate the type of behavior we should all watch out for.
This book is more than just a warning to watch out for false spiritual teachers. Mr. Hamilton draws on the experience of the Snowmass Contemplative Group which is a group of advanced contemplatives from many different religious traditions. They have developed an eclectic understanding of enlightenment from all religious traditions. Mr Hamilton extends and refines this view with his knowledge of Buddhist teaching which he believes provides the most detailed understanding of enlightenment. He cites scientific studies of enlightenment which take it beyond the realm of mystical experience, and develops it into a Western psychological concept.
Saints and Psychopaths provides us with an inspiration as to the possibility we all have for spiritual development and self discovery. It is a highly recommended guide book for all spiritual seekers.

William L. Hamilton has been meditating since 1971 and has done more than seven years of intensive meditation practice in meditation centers and monasteries. He has studied under some of the greatest meditation masters in the world. He has been teaching Buddhist vipassana meditation since 1985.
In addition to teaching, he has founded audio cassette production facilities for several nonprofit organizations including the Hanuman Foundation, Insight Meditation Society, and Insight Recordings. He now spends most of his time writing, teaching and developing a meditation retreat center.
ISBN: 0-9644904-0-4