- season
- seclusion
- sectarian
- seeing
- seen
- seen, heard, sensed, cognized
- sekha
- self
- self-doctrine
- sense becoming, sense-desire b.
- sense desire, sensual desire
- sense of urgency
- sense sphere, sensual sphere, sense-desire sphere
- sensed
- sensitivity, sensitive
- sequence of meaning
- serenity
- setting up
- sex
- sexual misconduct
- shackle, mental
- shame
- shamelessness
- shape
- sickness
- sign
- signless
- sikkhā
- sikkhāpada
- Simbali Tree
- Sineru, Mount
- Sirimā
- Sirīsa Tree
- sitter
- Siva Thera, Cūḷa
- Siva Thera, Cūḷa Saṃyuttabhāṇaka
- sixfold base
- Sīhapapāta, Lake
- sīla
- sīlabbata
- sleep
- Sn
- Sn-a
- soka
- solid food
- solidity
- somanassa
- Sopāka
- Soreyya
- sorrow
- sotāpanna
- soul
- soulless
- sound
- space
- special quality
- speech
- spirit, sprite
- stage of life
- stain
- state
- state of loss
- state of peace
- state partaking of enlightenment
- station of consciousness
- stationariness
- steadiness of consciousness
- stealing
- stiffness
- stiffness and torpor
- stream-enterer
- stream-entry
- structure of conditions
- subha
- Subhaddā, Cūḷa
- Subhakiṇha
- Subrahmā
- substance
- substitution of opposites
- subtle
- success
- successive arising in adjacent locations
- Sudassa
- Sudassanapabbata
- Sudassin
- Suddhāvāsa
- suffering
- sugata
- suitable
- sukha
- sukkha-vipassaka
- Sumana Thera, Cūḷa
- Sumana-devi
- sun
- Sundarī
- suñña, suññata
- suññatā
- Supaṇṇa (demon)
- superior
- supernormal power
- support
- suppression
- supramundane
- sustained thought
- suta
- Suyāma
- syllogism, member of